WHAT IS ....
Reproductive Immunology
Reproductive immunology (RI) is a field of medicine that studies how the immune system interacts with and affects reproduction. It focuses on how the immune system can either support or hinder the ability to conceive, maintain a pregnancy, and produce healthy offspring.
RI explores the complex relationship between the immune system, reproductive tissues, and hormones, and how disruptions in this relationship can lead to infertility, pregnancy complications, and other reproductive disorders.
Immune system and infertility

Immune reactions
during conception
During conception the immune system recognizes the sperm and embryo as foreign and mounts a response to eliminate them.

Immune reactions
in pregnancy
As pregnancy progresses, the immune system must learn to tolerate the fetus and prevent rejection.

Known problems of the immune system
These include recurrent miscarriages, pre-eclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, preterm labor and gestational diabetes.
The immune system plays a critical role in conception and pregnancy
While the immune system is designed to protect the body from foreign invaders, it also plays a critical role in supporting the development of the placenta and protecting the growing fetus.

Immune testing
There are several tests that diagnose autoimmune disorders, hormonal imbalances and other conditions affecting fertility.

Immune therapies
Various treatments are used to modulating the immune system including Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), steroids and intralipid infusions.
Meet Dr Dimitri

Medical Director Life Clinic
Assisted Reproduction and Reproductive Immunology Specialist
He is a reproductive immunology expert working in this area for over 20 years and is known for his pioneering and unique protocols for the successful management of immunological problems affecting fertility and pregnancy.
In 2007, Dr Dimitri established Life Clinic in Athens and since has become a prominent fertility expert worldwide particularly in the more complex and difficult cases of immune related infertility such as repeated IVF treatment failures, unexplained infertility, implantation failures, recurrent miscarriages, early pregnancy loses, IUGR and premature ovarian failure.
He is also well-known for his personalised medical approach to medicine, often saying how important it is to, “treat individuals and not illnesses”. His holistic approach has proven very effective and has been key in successfully helping many couples to reach their ‘family‘ goal. It is found to be easier, safer, cheaper and brings about a far higher level of satisfaction for all involved.
Bio summary:
Dr Dimitri graduated in Medicine from the University of Athens where he specialised in gynaecology and surgery.
He worked a further 7 years in the UK in public NHS hospitals and then private IVF clinics, eventually specialising as a clinical fertility fellow in two private medical clinics in London.
Specialties: Assisted reproduction, Reproductive Immunology
When to contact us?
Do you suspect you have an immune problem?

Do you suspect that you have an immune related infertility problem that is making it difficult for you to get pregnant or maintain a pregnancy?
If you have an infertility problem, particularly if you have experienced repetitive IVF treatment failures or recurrent miscarriages …
If you suspect immune-related fertility issues or have been labelled with ‘unexplained infertility‘ …
Then you have specific needs that can’t be solved with a standard ‘one-size-fits-all‘ treatment solution.
Please contact us…
Life Clinic, Athens
Tel: +30 210 6450 111
Email: info@lifeclinic.gr
Website: lifeclinic.gr

Recurrent Miscarriage
Recurrent miscarriage (RM) is defined as the loss of two or more consecutive pregnancies before the 20th week of gestation.
There are multiple causes of RM, and immune system dysfunction is one of them. It is estimated that around 50% of recurrent miscarriages have an unknown cause, and immune system dysfunction is a possible explanation for some of these cases.
Investigating recurrent miscarriages involves a comprehensive evaluation and the treatment depends on the underlying cause. Treatment options may include immunosuppressive drugs, steroids, or intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).

Unexplained infertility
Unexplained infertility is a term used to describe a situation where a couple is unable to conceive after one year of trying to conceive, despite undergoing a thorough fertility evaluation that has not revealed any obvious reasons for their infertility.
However, immune-related factors can play a role in unexplained infertility. In some cases, an overactive immune system may attack the sperm or the embryo, preventing successful fertilization or implantation. Alternatively, an underactive immune system may not provide enough support to the fertilized egg, leading to a failed pregnancy.
Couples with unexplained infertility can be evaluated to assess immune function and to look for any signs of immune dysfunction that may be contributing to their fertility problems.
Our story
Signs of an abnormal immune system
Abnormal immunological reactions during pregnancy can lead to a variety of complications that may affect both the mother and the developing fetus.
Such immune reactions may not always cause symptoms that are noticeable to the mother. In other cases, an immune reaction can lead to symptoms including Recurrent miscarriage, Abnormal vaginal bleeding, Abnormal placenta development, Preterm labor, Intrauterine growth restriction and others.


Annika Bergendahl
I got in contact with Dr Dimitri and Life Clinic after several miscarriages and a group of investigations in Sweden that couldn’t give us an answer to the reason behind the miscarriages. Very quickly Dr Dimitri could help us understand that there might be immunological explanations behind the miscarriages and he suggested a treatment plan for that.
Throughout the pregnancy I had contact with Dr Dimitri who followed the progress through blood test results and suggested changes in treatment depending on my body’s reactions. It felt very safe and hopeful all the way! Our baby girl was born in March 2022. I am so grateful for the support and for giving us hope back after all the miscarriages.
This kind of treatment wouldn’t have been given to us in Sweden so this was really the solution that made a change for us. I can really recommend Life Clinic and Dr Dimitri.
March 2022

What do Dr. Dimitri's patients say?
We are proud to have helped so many women and couples at Life Clinic to create their families. A large proportion of our patients come to us from other countries as well as Greece and often have a history of repeated failed fertility treatments elsewhere.
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Contact us and we will be happy to answer you....
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